April 2024
1. Differentiate between software and firmware.
2. List the features of PCI bus.
3. What are the types of printers?
4. What is HDMI? Give its significance.
5. Define POST.
6. Write the steps to avoid ESD.
7. Differentiate between half duplex and full duplex data flow.
8. Define router in networks.
9. Differentiate connection oriented and connectionless services.
10. Compare 802.4 and 802.5 protocols.
11. (a) (i) Define cache memory. Explain the characteristics of cache in Improving the performance of the processor. (7)
(ii) Write short notes on features of DDR-memory.(7)
(b) (i) Write short notes on secondary storage devices. (7)
(ii) Explain HDD partition and formatting. (7)
(a) Explain any two types of keyboards based on their working principle.
(b) (i) Explain the working principle of TFT display devices.(7)
(ii) Write short notes on ATX power supply.(7)
13. (a)
(i) Explain the BIOS setup for configuring a system. (7)
(ii) Explain the role of diagnostic software.(7)
(b) Explain the steps in installation of OS and troubleshooting of a laptop.
(a) Explain different types of networks in computer communication.
(b) Explain OSI model architecture. Also discuss the function of each layer.
(a) Explain network layer protocols and their functions.
(b) Explain application layer protocols and their functions.
1. Define firmware.
2. Define direct RDRAM.
3. List the different types of mouse.
4. List the features of dot matrix printer.
5. Define firewall.
6. Draw the block diagram of laptop motherboard.
7. What is half duplex and full duplex?
8. List the advantages of ring topology.
9. Give the format for UDP header.
10. Define supernetting.
(a) Explain about PCMCIA.
(i) Explain the working principle of DVD reader/writer.(7)
(ii) Write notes on solid state memory devices.(7)
(a) Explain the working of mechanical and membrane keyboard with diagram.
(b) Explain the working of SMPS with diagram.
(a) Explain about the tests performed by POST.
(b) Write down the steps involved in OS installation.
14. (
a) Explain client server and peer to peer networks with neat diagram.
(b) Explain about the data flow in OSI model.
(a) Explain about IGMP and ARP.
(b) Compare 802.X protocols.